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Pool Training: Sample workout, Beginning/Intermediate, for 25 yard pool (DYN_SC_A01)

This is a general apnea workout, designed for newer divers, training in a 'short course' or 25 yard pool. 25 yards is a common length for community lap swim and health club pools in the USA. These are often advertised as 'Olympic sized' (serious marketing spin--it's been nearly 100 years since the Olympics switched to 50 meter pools!) Some lap pools may also be 25 meters instead of yards, but this is less common in the USA.

If the notation style is unfamiliar to you, please read the 'Pool training: Lap swim for freediving' article for an explanation.

More advanced divers can adjust the timing and volume for more aggressive intervals. As a rule, the interval should be challenging but doable. This workout is intended to put a little bit of CO2 stress on the diver as well as build leg strength and general stamina.

No diver should ever train alone.


- 150 easy crawl

- 50 easy kick (with kickboard, face in the water, arms in streamline and holding kickboard out front)

- 150 easy crawl, ladder breathing every 3,5,7,5,3,5,7,5...etc strokes

- 50 easy kick (same style as before)


- 8 x 25 @ 1:00 UW with fins (goal is to finish the entire length without breathing, concentrate on form and efficiency)

- 6 x 25 @ :50 UW with fins (same as above)

- 4 x 25 @ :40 UW with fins (same as above)

- 2 x 25 @ :30 UW with fins (same as above)

- 1 x 100 easy UW or crawl with fins (breathing as needed)


- 4 x 50 @ 2:00 first 25 sprint UW with fins, second 25 easy breathing as needed


- 200 easy

TOTAL DISTANCE: 1350 yards


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